Big Love, Small Moments - Year in Review
Most everyone I know can divide their life into pre-and post-2020. The pandemic changed everything for everyone I knew. One overwhelming circumstance that shifted most every decision we made.
I also can divide my life into pre- and post-2020 because May of 2020 was when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter. She was the catalyst of change for my existence which inevitably shifted how I approached my business as well. My days home with her are spent changing diapers, reading the same book repeatedly, rocking and holding her for naps — days where nothing really happens except many small actions done with overwhelming love.
The past two years, I’ve spent my days looking for these moments that happen in a blink of eye. I “see” more now for my clients because I understand the significance of the smallest act of caring. I usually create an end-of-year blog to celebrate each year, highlighting my favorite photos. This year, however, the criteria for my favorites has changed. I’m no longer creating the perfect picture. I’m searching for the perfect picture and that is already in your wedding day — over and over again in the smallest moments.
Here’s to 2021 and 2022 weddings. (A double feature as I directed all my energy to direct communication with clients and blogging took a back seat.) The biggest "thank you" to my clients. I am awed to witness your celebrations and your love.
I’m looking forward to 2023 and all the future encounters with people who are truly ready to capture the moments.